Black Friday 100


No refunds

Entry is $22 plus a 6-pack

On Friday, November 29, we will repeat the best-worst idea to ride 100k or 100mi on the Fifth Street Cross course. Thanks to Jake Looney and Finn Harrington, we have been blessed with the idea of riding 100 miles or 100 kilometers in one day on the course. In 2022, we opened the idea to our running community with 10k, 13mi, 26mi, and 50k options! It is a 6-pack ride, so bring a 6-pack in addition to your entry fee. If you do not want to bring a 6-pack, bring an additional $15 for the prize pot.

We start at midnight; you have until 4:20pm on Friday to complete your distance. You are scored in the distance you commit to, both over and under. You can register for multiple things. For example, you can ride 50k and run 50k all in one day. It’s been done.


The winner is the first person to reach the total distance in your category in the shortest amount of elapsed time. That means we don’t care what your ride time is; we care how much time has passed from when you started the clock. 

Example: Rider A starts at midnight on November 24th and finishes 100 miles at 2pm for a total elapsed time of 14 hours. Rider B starts at 7am and finishes at 4pm for 9 hours. Rider B wins because their elapsed time is less than Rider A, even though Rider A finished earlier in the day. 

The same rule applies to Relay Teams. Plan your exchanges accordingly!

FKT for 100 miles: Aaron Longstaff, 2023. 9:22:00

Lap Distances

Each lap is 1.55mi (2.5km)

Lap Distance1.552.5
Ride Speed9.715.6
Run Speed46.4
LapsDistance – MilesDistance – KilometersEst Ride Time (hours)Est Run Time (hours)

Relay Teams Welcome!

If you want to participate but think 100 kilometers or 100 miles might be a bit much for you, create a team! Teams are $15/person, and each member needs to bring a 6-pack (equivalent) prize for the winners of each team category. 


We recommend the Computer-Baton exchange technique. Use a single Garmin or Wahoo and exchange it between riders/runners. The juniors did this in 2021 for the 100km, and it worked well. 

Start Time

Anytime after midnight on the 24th! It’s door-busters for some of you, while the rest of us will attempt it after dawn.

All riding ends at 4pm. If you are on your final lap at 4pm, we round down to the last time you came through. 


All awards will be as close to 4pm as possible. Winners take all the beer/prizes from their category. They are welcome to distribute to the podium. 

Food and Drink

BYO-Meat. We will have a grill set up. Feel free to bring something for the grill or bring your own grill. 

BYOB, as well. 


Park at 164 Kline’s Lane and Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18049, in the lot at the intersection, and then ride into the recycling center.

For race updates, be sure to follow our Instagram