Site icon Fifth Street Cross

2020 Season Announcement

Hello FSX and FSXC peeps! 

Welp, this year has been a doozy. We thought we would be able to host an entire FSX/FSXC season, but as things have transpired, we have decided that because Thursdays are about hanging out and being with friends, Fifth Street wouldn’t be Fifth Street this year. This means we will not be running traditional Thursday Night FSX this year. It’s not all a loss, though! We are still setting the course! We wanted to provide riders and runners the chance to get out and keep those skills sharp.

There is no official registration or fee to use the course, but we have merchandise for sale and a donation option on BikeReg for anyone who wants to support it. Proceeds go to ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the course throughout the season plus our usual grass reseeding, etc. when teardown time comes.  

PLACE MERCHANDISE ORDERS BY SEPTEMBER 4: Merchandise will be ordered on September 4, and it should arrive by September 18. We’ll mail it the week of September 21.

Consider this year as an “open course” which will allow you to ride any day or night from September 3 through December 3. 

Please remember a few things: 

  1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. We are guests of the Emmaus Compost Center.
  3. If you see broken tape, please consider fixing it. We will get out there regularly, but we’re asking for your help.
  4. Please be aware of cars (Community Garden) or dog walkers. You do not have the right of way, so be cool. 
  5. If multiple people are at the course simultaneously, we encourage you to wear a mask if you can’t maintain 6′ of distance. 
  6. If multiple people are at the course please coordinate on which direction you will ride.
  7. Don’t be a dick.

Volunteer to Help

Monday, August 31*, at 5:30pm is our set day for stakes and tape. Please wear a mask and bring your own work gloves. If you’re a little late or have to leave early, that’s perfectly ok. Set usually takes a few hours, and we appreciate any amount of time you can donate.

*Rain date: Tuesday, September 1 — if the weather looks questionable, keep an eye on social media for updates or call/email us. 

We will set a volunteer schedule for course maintenance if we need to. 

Thank you to South Mountain Cycle & Cafe and Blink Optical Boutique for helping us cover some of the fixed costs for the year. Without your support, we would not have been able to set the course. We’d also like to give a shout out to the Borough of Emmaus for working with us this year on favorable permit fees to make things a little easier. 

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